Thursday, June 9, 2011

An update on Chad and Kelley

So, I know that I have been a bit slack lately on the blogging end of things.  At times I wonder if anyone really looks to see all the great finds we have on here or not.  I have become quite the cheap thrill connoisseur!  So if not for anyone on this earth besides myself, I will continue this blog and welcome any of my friends to follow (just click the FOLLOW button to join)  It seems at times life tends to get a bit hectic and we lose sight of the path we set out on originally. Sometimes we are forced to take the road less traveled, and then in those rare instances we take the high road and end up exactly where we want to be...I am proof of this last scenario.  And I can only thank the lord and Chad for saving my life, keeping me focused, and blessing me with the wonderful gift that will be joining our family in January 2012.  Don't give up on us and please keep reading!  We love you all and....The best is yet to come!  Kell

1 comment:

  1. I love seeing the things you find! And Congrats on your addition :) !!!!!
